
Old friends

July 27, 2001

I spent a lot of time today talking to old friends. Not friends from Gainesville, or even from St. Pete, but rather friends from way back in Valdosta, GA. (and before)

First, I had a dream last night featuring Kristy (Bland) Lumley, who I haven't talked to in a long time, and was inspired to write her an e-mail. Then later, I saw my best friend from middle school, Mike Pucci, on line, and talked to him for a while. Finally, I spent a few ours IM'ing with Joey Sheffield about various things, from Swiss history, to Welsh economics, and then artificial intelligence. Its great to talk to people you haven't spent any considerable amount of time with in 6 years. It was really nice to do so today.

In other news, Kim and I supposed to meet with some graduating ph.d. students who are going to become professors at UF. This should be lots of fun, since we can tell them all about G-ville, and suggest various restaurants to them, and they can help us become acquainted with South Bend, since we have yet to meet anyone who actually lives around here. Most of the people we've met have been in Kim's summer program, and they're all transients.

One final note - three is my maximum limit for IM conversations. Any more, and I can't converse with them all simultaneously. I also can't talk to people in the room, and three people at the same time. Nice to know my limit.